OpenAI Integration
Productivity and Innovation using AI in Email Campaigns

Mail Buddy is a tool used to help create marketing emails for specific campaigns.
When using ChatGPT or other AI tools you are only able to include one prompt, which can be slow and prone to errors if you do not get the prompt right. In addition, it can also cost a company money if it is not used wisely, is used too much or for the wrong purpose.
Using Next JS, I was able to create an application that provides seven inputs based on what were the eight important considerations that should make up a prompt and call to OpenAI.
As this was a tool for a publishing company, the user enters the campaign name and then Book title, Author, Who the book was introduced by, a description of the book binding, key words, tone of voice and a final input to add other information that might be relevant.
The tool allows you to specify the number of words that should be returned and the stream is saved to the company database. A tool such as this will increase productivity and help create eye catching copy to drive sales campaigns.