Perhaps women feel stronger than men about the importance of a good website? We know that women tend to be better communicators than men and this would perhaps support this hypothesis. However, after spending some time researching gender and technology I could not find any definitive research that would support the argument.
However, instinctively it feels right that strong communication traits would result in a better appreciation of websites and social media; so I think I am going to settle on this casual relationship for now.
- a very real sense of purpose
- they know their clients/ markets very well
- they focus on quality and make sure everyone knows what their standards are
- excellent communicators
- they get things done on time
- never afraid to ask for help and advice
- never lost their cool
- a strong sense of humour
I am in no way inferring that the business men I have worked with do not have similar traits, it’s just that I appear to have a larger sample size to analyse when looking at business women.
I would welcome any thoughts and insights into this subject, so please feel free to comment.